Character Creation

Ability Scores

  Characters will be created in the traditional method, in front of the Dungeon Master.

  Players will roll 4d6 in front of the Dungeon Master, and drop the lowest die result. The sum of the remaining 3 dice shall be recorded.

  Repeat 6 times, and arrange as desired.

  Add any Racial Modifiers to reach the final score for each Attribute.

  Should the final result be deemed "crippling" by a consensus of the Player and Dungeon Master, a complete reroll is available. This option is only available a single time.

Alternatively, the player may elect to take the following Ability Scores, arranged as desired:
 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8


The following Races are currently allowed as Player Characters:


Hill Dwarf or Mountain Dwarf
High, Wood, or Dark (Drow)
Forest or Rock
Gain no benefit by being Half-Drow
Will suffer a social stigma.
Lightfoot or Stout
      Variant Human rules allowed.


Chaotic Evil is not allowed.

Levels, Advancement, and Death

All characters begin at 1st level at the beginning of the campaign.

Characters will be awarded Experience Points at the end of the night.

New characters joining the party will begin with an amount of Experience Points to bring them within one level of the lowest active character in play.
Example: Bob is creating a new character to join the group. The lowest level character currently active is Weezleteats the Wizard, at 10th level. Thus Bob's new character will begin at 9th level.


Player Characters may be from the following classes:

No Chaotic Evil deities allowed. Consult the rest of the party before choosing a patron deity.

Prestige Classes

Prestige Classes from official source books will be allowed on a case-by-case basis, but there is no guarantee that a certain Prestige Class will be allowed.

Character Regions

To further expand upon characters, they are allowed to select a single Region of origin. For further information on these Regions, click their links.

Moonshae Isles
Nelanther Isles
The North
Western Heartlands


Characters begin with the equipment listed in their Class, plus the equipment granted by their Background.


A player may choose their Backgrounds and related traits, or they may be randomly determined.

Hit Points

At 1st level, all characters begin with maximum Hit Points, in addition to their Constitution Bonus.
After 1st level, the player may choose to take the number listed in parenthesis in the Player's Handbook, or they may roll and take the result.

Source Books

The following source books are allowed for use by Player Characters:
Player's Handbook (5th Edition)

Upon release of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting for 5th Edition, any substantial changes to the characters will be allowed with a single "re-specialization".

All other material from other source books are on a case-by-case basis.

Missing Characters

Characters of players that are absent during a session are considered to be in absentia, and their fate is at the discretion of the Dungeon Master. They may not gain Experience Points, nor may any of their equipment or abilities be utilized.

If a character is absent for more than a month of game play, they are considered "inactive" and do not count toward starting levels of new characters.

If they are returned to play after considerable time, they are advanced in level much as a new character joining would be advanced, however, they gain no new equipment or coin.

Character Sheets

All character sheets shall be stored on Myth Weavers.

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